This picture was taken a few years ago when we visited Picture Rocks in Michigan's U.P. So you can see what I'm dealing with here. It's tough sometimes to get out and walk when I sometimes haven't the energy to even get out of my chair. But I am determined to do it none-the-less. I am certain that eventually I will have more energy, more stamina, and less luggage, all I have to do is train myself to enjoy the action of walking. Coupled with photography, aided with Books on tape and music to walk by, bribing myself with interesting destinations, sights, motivations, and the like, I will continue to grow in my love and enjoyment of these walks. I will have conversations in my head, I will learn new things, I will continue to think my deep thoughts and share them in this journal.
We shall see if the next picture I put up here of myself, resembles this one. LOL!
The Haunter- Cindy K-K